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Festigious Winners - February 2022

Best Picture

Gift - Jiaqi Bin, Xi Liu

Best Narrative Feature

Hashtag Blessed - Stephanie McBain, Dalea Cherie Faulkner, Martina Webster

Best Narrative Short

Gift - Jiaqi Bin, Xi Liu

Honorable Mention: Narrative Short

Nice Suicide - Mike Baran

Best Indie Short

Unsaid Words - Stark Zhao

Honorable Mention: Indie Film

Grand Canyon - Dmitriy Arbatov

Best Dark Comedy

Nice Suicide - Mike Baran

Best Thriller

Charlatan - Colin Bowles

Best Inspirational Film

unBROKEN - Renford Reese

Best Crime Film

Curiosity Kills - Richard Poche

Best Documentary Feature

Our 20s - Jaysun Silver

Best Documentary Featurette

Canaries in a Cold War - Mathias Magnason

Best Documentary Short

Monzon - Richard Poche

Honorable Mention: Documentary Short

Creative Huangshan The Beautiful Huizhou - Wen Tian

Best Animation

Gift - Jiaqi Bin, Xi Liu

Honorable Mention: Animation

Mountain Spirits - Qiwei Li, Zishan Huang, Yin Fu, Yuxuan Fu

Best Music Video

Slight - Roy Rosental, Joe Gnoffo

Best Student Film

Second Wind - Guy Gazit

Honorable Mention: Student Film

Unsaid Words - Stark Zhao

Best Indie Filmmaker

KINA(WHY) - Sidartha Biswa

Best Actor

Charlatan - Colin Bowles

Best Actress

Hashtag Blessed - Isabella Blake-Thomas

Best Actress in an Indie Film

Teal to Orange - Marina Kozawa

Best Young Actress

The Coin - Kiley Opsal

Best Ensemble

Charlatan - Haley Evans, Colin Bowles, Lari White, Ricky Cortez, Adam Mahan Williams, Courtney Rikki Green

Honorable Mention: Ensemble

Blanche - Clifford Hardwick, Carolyn Mangrem, Tommy Mangrem, Suzanne O'Brien, Don Pfiester

Best Cinematography

Forlorn - Miguel Tafich

Inspiring Woman in a Film

Hashtag Blessed - Isabella Blake-Thomas

Screenplay of the Month

Figure Eights - Dan Williams

Best Feature Screenplay

CODE 10 - Matthew Margo

Honorable Mention: Feature Screenplay

The Berger's - Thorsten Kramer, Brigitte Kramer

Best Short Screenplay

Swinger's Diner - Drew Nelson

Honorable Mention: Short Screenplay

The Feed - Mila Golubov

Best Drama Screenplay

Figure Eights - Dan Williams

Best Comedy Screenplay

Rough Cut - Matthew Margo

Best Dark Comedy Screenplay

Abernathy - Matthew M. Donaldson

Best Crime Screenplay

CODE 10 - Matthew Margo

Best Mystery Screenplay

CODE 10 - Matthew Margo

Best Thriller Screenplay

Bathory - Jason Rabold

Best Western Screenplay

Bullet Locomotive - Zachary Sabra

Best Fantasy Screenplay

The Man & The Mermaid's Tale - Donna Loehrer

Best First Time Screenwriter

Marieta - Cassie C. Phillips

Best Television Script

Atomic City - Damian Panetta

Honorable Mention: Television Script

Blur - Jules Brenner

Special Jury Award

Hangman - Shlok Shukla

Slight - Official Music Video

* Winners may order a review at www, - FilmFreeway Gold members get $50 off.

* Winners may order a statuette for themselves and their team, for $290. Order here:


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