Film Review: The Moods of Those Days
The Moods of Those Days
Written & Directed by Woonyea Han

The Moods of Those Days is an independent short film that tells the story of a woman who hasn't leave her house for a while, and a postman who tries to deliver a package to her house. When no one opens, the postman leaves a message on the wall. After a while, the postman decides to help the woman by leaving the packages in her yard.

This film brings a sad message of loneliness, presenting a woman who has failed to go out into the world, for her own reasons, and is physically and mentally stuck in her home, unable to communicate with the world.
But it also brings a beautiful message, a more optimistic one, of the kindness that people have. The postman understands the situation without meeting the woman, and decides to do a good deed and help her, in his own way.

The story is told without any dialogue at all, which gives the actors the ability to express their feelings more prominently. The camera (by DOP Adboh Mohammed) also manages to tell the story by using interesting angles that symbolize loneliness and compassion. These symbols are added to other symbols that appear in the movie, like plants, and the sunlight, which can renew energy and get people back on track.

Writer-director Woonyea Han (who also plays the woman) creates a touching little film that is relevant to our time, and has a lot of heart. She proves that you do not need a grandiose story to touch the heart of the viewer, and with the help of her team and the actor next to her, Michael Johnson, she also teaches us all about small good deeds, which can sometimes be significant for the people who need them.